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G-Code Commands

Current GCode Commands Supported by SwordFish

G CommandsUse
G0Rapid move, Linear
G1Feed move, Linear
G2Arc or circle, CW
G3Arc or circle, CCW
G4Dwell, (P) in MilliSeconds or (S) in Seconds
G17-G19Workspace Planes
G20Inch Units
G21mm units
G28.2Homing an axis to saved stops
G28.2 AReset Homing using endstops i.e G28.8 A X Y Z will home the machine, G28.8 A Z will home Z axis only.
G37Single Z-Probe. Tool must be positioned above the probe, which is set by WCS (work coordinate system) G59.9 X0 Y0 position
G54 - G59.9Workspace Coordinates
G90Absolute Positioning
G91Relative Positioning